The Zanesville Signal from Zanesville, Ohio (2024)

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The Zanesville Signali

Zanesville, Ohio

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Saturday Evening April 11 lyye Page Three Dies At Hospital Stock Market Quotations Anew Under Rehabilitation i 167 PREVAIL EASTER 3Bae 20a 22 1 1 Bearing a SMITH BROWN DEATH COMES TO least SMITH BROWN 3 Util vonu oil os De special Corn Products 38 39 34 35 CHIT CHAT 4 and James Watkins for choice Easter Mowers Program Enjoyed By Ehrma Ice Cream Easter $50000 will be lowers reasonably priced Watkins periods at Paul Aitken for Treasurer Gold as lowers by wire anywhere Watkins Dept Annual Spelling transactions of E6 July LOANS do ON YOUR OWN SIGNATURE the automo Schef: 101131 Max indelss dies IX HER BABY I UN CHAI CJoolevator 621 Underwood St cgjrs 19 33 of cleaning up kept to a mxn do do do uo flood $600000 con hold back 6 1 do Robert Townsend a student in aerneutical engineering at the Uni versity of Michigan Ann Arbor is spending the Easter holiday with his Moved to 528 Market St Collins Beauty Shop Ph 885 suppose 3 34 io 53 Rambo sister Mrs Mr and Mrs Russell Corbin and daughter Sue Toledo are the week end guests of the parents Mr and Mrs Charles Corbin Green wood avenue 84 30 54 Single persons or married couples are eligible to bor row Loans made without tangible security or on or on automo biles Repay in small monthly installments 53 32 44 Stores Dist Maslem mW i wbrfktf lb tea Ml for five his bu Bar Air Reduction oundry 6 44 22 3 33 10 18 26 34 126 110 13 a 87 1633 49 8 11334 46 42 45 MASSACHUSETTS INVESTORS TRUST PROSPECTUS SENT ON REQUEST of Muskingum schools par tic OLD STATE HOUlK BOSTON 35 40 Charles Eieber Jr of Ohio uni versity Athens is home to spend the Easter holidays with his parents Mr and Mrs Elebcr of South Sev enth srteet Pine Real Imp Rubber Did Smelters Steel Steel pfd Household News leshes 6 00 every week day tremas WALR Zaaernlle 3s 46 3S 49 35 48 I new war minister jGhetaccio a few days ago in an bush Barrage of Champagne Bottles Routs Robbers New York April 11 When Mayer Nttzburg makes a cham pagne bottle go us ually a first class reasop for it Likely Nltzburg is repulsing would be robbers It happened in November it happened in March and it hap pened last night Seeing two armed men enter Nitzburg reached for his stock of champagne and hurled the bot tles at the men until they fled in confusion One man was ar rested a short distance from the scene his face and arms cut a health standpoint the was a stroke of good for Charles Snyder student at Miami university Oxford is visiting his par ents Mr and Mrs Snyder Ma ple avenue 20 29 1 34 19 39 iTannehiH Saturday morning In the case of Donald Minnick against Mazie Minnick The plaintiff charged wilful absence Ronald Miller repre sented the plaintiff 1112 I for 10814 JOB I108 291671210520 10427 lHb103 IM Mrs Robinson and nephew Seymour Rowley Columbus will spend Sunday with the former's brothers in law and sister Mr and Mrs Horry Heskett and Harry Robinson St Louis avenue Miss Mary Anna Hackenberg daughter of Dr and Mrs Hack enherg Ashland avenue and a student at Wittenberg college spring field is visiting at her home here 21 4 30 372 31 4 186 Mr and Mrs Ralph Stoudt are rusting the Brook 1 latter's I 1 Sisters LUUiJt mu inuc beck Greenwood avenue I Woman Predicts Own Death at Middletown April Mrs Mamie Brooks 53 died as she said she would seated before the organ in the irst Baptist church She took her place yesterday in the organ loft cf the church to start the hymn opening a three hour Good riday devotional She collapsed and died few in the congregation knowing of her death until the services had ended riends recalled that only Thurs day she had been warned of over exertion from extended the organ She replied thy said: die at the organ some a city of 85 lost at 49 38 22 She spoke on PTA activities The new of fer the coining fiscal year elected as follows: president Glenn Mauk vice president Easter Lilies end other flowers 1370 Greenwood Ave Mr and Mrs Beck of Chicago are visiting Mr and Mrs Bisch off Pine street They will also visit in Akron before returning home Judge Marshall A Is Highly Honored Judge Marshall formerly of Zanesville chief justice of Ohio su preme court for 13 years has been de clared one of the 23 leading supreme court judges in the United folates and one cf the ten best judges in the country exclusive of the Unitea States supreme court by John Wigmore nationally known legal edu cator and dean emeritus of North western university law school Wigmore gives Marshall credit piecing Ohio In the first of groups of state supreme courts In article of Our State preme in the American Association Journal TRUSTEES PLAN REGULAR MEET LIMITATIONS REMOVED Th? reduced weight limitations William Thompson Son Morticians Phone 116 did share and share alike tot parents Mr and Mrs Harry Town I send cuioertscn avenue Wheat Has Brisk Rally Aft er Crop idly There have bad floods of the Usually the valley their losses rebuild that the next one will be less severe The 1936 floods have crystalized flcod control plans to a greater de gree than at any time since 1913 State officials and citizens are co op crating with the federal government in plans to keep the beautiful and tributaries in check The most important preventive measure projected in the brief con com OHLY Young Democratic Club Will Meet Tuesday An important meeting of the Young Democnatic club will be held at 8 Tuesday evening at head quarters Main and ourth streets An Interesting program has been pre pared and a large attendance Is de sired On account of Attorney Donald Jones president of the organization being in Washington the meet ing will be in charge of Attorney Ronald Miller and Mrs Josephine Manning Speakers for the occasion will be announced later Beautiful Cut Roses Watkins Charles Rambo Dies in Tennessee Cnarles Rambo 78 former resi dent of the ultonham vicinity died riday at his home in Jackson' Tenn He was bom and spent his early life on a farm north of ul tonham but left in 1884 to live iar Tennessee 1 Surviving are one son a of the home two brothers Dr Rambo of Richwood: and East ultonham and one Clara Brown Crooksville Rambo this city Arthur Rambo of White Cottage are cousins uneral and burial will take place at Jackson Tenn Mr and Mis A Schmidt Cm 1 cinnatl are the guests cf the piircnts Mr and Mrs Charles ler Turner street Co Pacific Rican Sugar Calif Edison 27 A TO MEET Meeting of Zane chapter No 12 A will be held Monday in the post room In Schultz building when plans will be furthered for the obser vation of Memorial day Graves of deceased members will be decorated Reports on the state convention to ibe held here in June also will be giv 'cn by committees In charge New Commemorative Postage Stamp Sheet A new' souvenir sheet of lour stamps will be issued by the post office department next month In commemoration of the Third Inter national Philatelic exhibition May 9 to 17 at Grand Central Palace New York City Unused blocks may be obtained only at the Philatelic agency at Washington or covers may be secured at the New York pcstofflce The sheet will contain four stamps Connect icut tercentennary Califor nia Pacific exposition Michigan and Texas which were each issued singly during the past several weeks Tle blocks will be gummed but will not be perforated They will be in reg ulation purple Johnston local stamp clerk said that persons desiring first day covers should send them with 12 cents to the postmaster at New York City Mint sheets must be obtained from the Philatelic agency The first day cancellations will be at New York City May 9 and covers for collectors should be mailed to the postmaster there by May 6 The sheets will not be offered for sale here but may be obtained at Wash ington May 9 Prominent Retired Postal Employe Succumbs and overflow into town even with a flood wall The flood has been followed by cleaning up and rebuilding work giv ing employment to thousands A survey of reconstruction in some of the communities affected: Wheeling Va This city lost about $5000000 when the Ohio river went rampaging Hundreds of homes and buildings were wrecked The building boom that already has start ed will give 3000 building tradesmen work all summer A labor shortage developed Steel mills and coal mines leading industries have speeded operations Bellaire Belmont county lost an estimated $3000000 In the flood Carpenters contractors and highway crews are busy putting Bellaire Bridgeport Martins erry and Pow hatan back to normal Shacks along the river fronts will be replaced by modern houses Steubenville Orders are piling up In the ateel mills of the district vhich employ 12000 In Jefferson county 186 homes were swept away by the flood and 980 were damaged City officials report prospects for biggest business year since Marietta problem has been largely one Property damage was Imuxn Ironton About needed for reconstruction work Catlettsburg Ky Hard hit Cat lettsburg will spend about $100000 rebuilding Manchester Holbrook college buildings damaged New homes will be built Tctal cost of rehabilita tion estimated at $125000 Cincinnati Cincinnati proper was not affected seriously but its Ohio and Kentucky suburbs will spend thousands in rebuilding Contest Is Held A contest of champions spalling In Zanesville The productive Ohio River valley winding from the heart of industrial America through hundreds of miles of fertile wheat and tobacco lands In to the corn country Is undergoing a reconstruction period without paral lel tn 23 years The loss to the rich thickly popu lated valley from the devastating flood that swept from Pittsburgh to Cairo Ill late in March is measured in hundreds of millions of dollars Out of this devastation of nature have come lasting benefits to the Ohio vahey however These gener ally are in the form of concerted planning for flood control rehabili tation of waterfront ares and or ganization of public spirited groups to help flood WTccked communities to Valley towns will rap been at least 21 Ohio since 1883 residents take quickly and hope 8 20 15 35 27 Condemnation Case Scheduled Monday The case of Muskingum Watershed Conservancy district against John Ross a condemnation action is scheduled for hearing in court of common pleas Monday Eight wit nesses have been subpoenaed to testify in the case which will be heard before a special Jury Two similar suits were instituted In court of common pleas Saturday The are William Sav age Adams township and Martin Lauvrey Adams township The suits involve 263 acres HAVENS BABY UNERAL uneral services for Donald red erick Havens three ycar old son of Mr and Mrs ranklin Havens Ridge read were held Saturday aft ernoon at Thompson funeral home White Cottage Burial was in Wil liams cemetery structlon period has been a proposal to construct dams on large tributar ies to control the flow of water into the Ohio One plan calls for con struction of 39 such dems ourteen of the proposed 39 dams have the approval of army engineers according to Dr Charles Holzer of Gallipolis president of the Ohio Valley Conservation and lood Control Congress Such a flood control program would require long planning if It should be approved by congress Months of surveys and planning probably costing $1000000 would be needed Roughly the Ohio valley water control project would cost from $75000000 to $100000000 Several river towns also are con sidering building of flood walls Twice in the last three years Ports mouth has escaped damage because of its Crete wall which will feet of water Huntington Va COO population' which $250000 in the 1936 floods is con sidering construction of such a wall to cost approximately $3500000 The city would ask federal financial aid for the project So effectively three mile flood wall hold back the river that there was no damage to the city although the water stage would have covered a large portionof the city without the barrier The cost of repairing and strengthening the wall was only a few hundred dollars Some towns are not in position to be benefrtted by flood walls Pom eroy flooded to some degree al mcat every spring also is situated along tributary streams which would the si i 5 140 160 lbs $9255 1025: noir inn SIC 75 1100: 100 140 Jbs parking sows $850'900 Cattle 225: calves 50: Sheep 25: naoniina) 3o NEW YORK CURB 29 i American Gas Co1 i Many Rats Drown Dr Hartung state direc tor of health has a problem he would like solved He would like to know how the rats in the flooded Ohio lowlands fared Tlie state health director is of the opinion many were drowned and from flood tune Thrown from Train Springfield April 11 Michael Crcesin 34 of Springfield received treatment in a city hospital today for a broken leg suffered he told police when three Negroes threw him from a freight tram near Lon don CHICAGO GRAIN CHICAGO April 11 Grain opcr Hearing uneral I Attorney and Mrs Donald Jones i Euclid avenue will spend the coming I week in Washington on a bus I'ness and pleasure trip Entire Ohio Valley Teems With Activity While Building Stimulates Trade and Gives Jobs GOM ENM urlcs 4S '47 52 3s 43 45 4s '46 56 3s '40 43 June 1 3ssS 43 47 The quarterly meeting of the As sociation of Township Trustees will be held at Southern Ohio Equipment Co headquarters West Main street: next Saturday April 18r Matters of Importance will be tekeB: up during the morning session dU XllHVXlvUU 9X wU the church During the afternoon Joeeplt? Thomas Haysville state president of township and KnUe ly state engineer examiner with headquarters at Columbus will ad dress the assemblage The affair will be in the nature of a business and social meeting and If late in the afternoon will be served 4 ormer Resident Dies in Illnois Mrs Emma Harman Helen Purcell home has received word of the death of her nephew John Luman aged 47 years which occurred at 4 o'clock riday morning at his home in Kandp kakee Ill and which followed a era! illness i Mr Luman formerly resided iiLr Muskingum count but left her ts survived by hts wife and by several cousins in this city uneral services will be held Mon day afternoon at 3 o'clock at Lima Ohio Gules Service Gold Corp electric Bond Lone Star Niagara Hudson Penn Road Standard OH of Ohio United Gas Corp McCaslin lorist McIntire Mrs George Mateon 526 Wood I lawn avenue was admitted to Beth esda hospital Wednesday evening for surgical operation Her condition is i reported as being satisfactory Smith Brown 76 former postal clerk and a lifelong resident of Zanes ville died at 11 Saturdaymorning at Bethesda hospital where he had been a patient for two weeks He collapsed apparently from a heart attack at ourth and Main streets two weeks ago The fall re sulted in a broken shoulder and he was taken to the hospital where pneumonia developed causing his death Mr Brown was a prominently known resident of Zanesville and was actively identified with the Masonic lodge and Knights Templar Ho was past presiding officer of Lodge of Amity No 5 A Zanesville chapter No 9 A Zanesville council No 12 and Cyrene Commandery No 10 Knights Templar He was also affil iated i Central Presbyterian church Ha was connected with the post office for more than 40 years having retired several years ago He served first as a carrier then as superintend ent of mails and finally as a clerk Mr Brown was born and spent his entire life in this city Surviving are one son Charles Brown of Atlanta Ga one daughter Mrs Hilbcr Morgan Pittsburgh: ouc brother Asa of Columbus a sister Mrs Anna Cole Columbus auid several grand children His wife died about two years ago since when Mr Brown had lived at 54 South ourth street uneral services will be held at 2 Monday afternoon at Man gold funeral home with the Knights Templar in charge Burial will be in Greenwood Wheat Mav 95 'if 95 Sept R5c Corn Muy 60344 '( Sept 5959'nC Oats May 25 4 'y Warn Against Opening Suspected Packages Columbus April While Wilkes Barre Pa authorities ques tioned a suspect in an bombing that killed one man and in jured five others Ohio police and postal officials warned Gov Martin Davey and other prominent Ohio ans today against opening any sus picious looking package received by mail Postal Inspector Guy Newlon said he feared Ohio state and federal officials might be targets for bomba mailed frem Wilkes Barre and order ed postal clerks to examine incoming mail carefully Columbus post office officials re ported no suspicious packages had been received The state highway patrol relayed to police all ever the state last night a warning from Capt Clark of the Pennsylvania state police at Wyom ing Pa b'l ion jYcungstown 61 partly due it is thought to the pre UXIXU null 111 lll'J Well UUUl i The deep religious significance of the Easter season has been impres observed here during the past (week and local churches will mark the most joyful day of the year with fitting devotion Report Narrow Escape Of Ethiopian Emperor Berne April 11 (ip) Emperor Halle Selassie his famous beard cut off to prevent recognition came close to death cn the northern front Italian dispatches said today but escaped by hiding in an abandoned church while his bodyguard held a defense Advices from Askara Eritrea said the emperor was cut off with slight i possibilities of fleeing to Addis Ababa I cr rench Somaliland after his per sonal troops were defeated by the northern Italian army last week just south cf Lake Ashangi Native tribesmen friendly to the Italian invaders said they encounter ed the emperor and a bodyguard of jlCO men this rteek near Marawa Pass southwest of Quoram occupied by the ascists I While the emperor took refuge in a Irhlirrh fvihocrnnn exHrl Ka wv 44 IXlll lUvl O4 U4V440 444 small village near Marawa and I fought off rebellious Galla natives i Seme vengeful Galla tribesmen at ithe same time said they had killed Ras am Miipr nnd jistl Bule better Uan" steady rlMll cjOot'u aciiv ert inarKev highe Employment in Private I divorce allowed Industry on Increase LDivTe Juds Columbus April 11 Place I ments of the Ohio state employment service in private industry jumped from 4696 in ebruary to 6153 last month The total March placements in cluding private industry public placements and those of Work Relief Projects were 12767 compared to 9 343 the previous month i exercises was given by the grade toy band second third grade songs by the other grades Mrs Grimsley East ulton ham gave a brief address dealing with the life and works of Edgar Guest The principal address was given by Mrs McConnell of Colum bus throughout the state ficers were Mrs Mrs Arthur Porter secretary Mrs Pinnick treasurer Mrs Elmer Reynolds Tobacco aieway Schen Sears A Roebuck sneii Serve! Simmons Southern So Porto Southern Southern 3uerry Corp Standard Brauds Stand Gas Elec Stand Oil of Calif Standard of Ind Stand Oil of Socony Vacuum Stone Webster Studebaker Schulte Retail Stores otewurt Warner Swift Tenn Corn A Cth 24 (Texas Co do Gulf Sulphur Pnrifif 102 Timken Det Axle 46Under Elliott 42 Jn Carbide Oil Cal 77 lUnion Pacific 31 United Aircraft 431 'United Corp 39 (United I 35 Ind Alcohol Chief Justice Hughes 74 Years Old Today Washington April 11 (UR) Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes 74 years old today planned to take no vr private notice oi tne an niversary He was born the son of a Baptist clergyman at Glenxi alls in 1862 He planned to remain at his desk i most of the day In the afternoon he will join the rest of the court In con ference on cases soon to be decided In the evening he may be the guest at some function for Saturday is his V44V HlgllV 'Jill Home Complete uneral Service Within Your Means AMBULANCE CALLS DAY OR NIGHT 56 South ifth St Phone 35 REDUCED RATES on til lotns abort $100 Charges only on unpaid balances Call write or phone for a private inter view Quick service To apply tor a loan jiut write call or pbooe and uk for ao appointment All interviews are strictly private If you prefer a courteous Household representative will call at your house Applying for a loan does not obligate you in any way Private Offices No Delay MCONO LOOR 507 MAIN STREET tartar lfHi Abevn Kreape's PHOHt: 1700 HOUSEHOLD INANCE CORPORATION Dant age action for $10000 flier in common pkn court riday by David RcbertSt 9C8 Race street against The Zanesville Rapid Tran 1 sit company The plaintiff nHeg 33 1 that while a passenger on one of trite cc a hitcM to his head and shoulder whe vehicle struck a telephone pole The accident It is alleged occurred on Nov 2B 1935 WHHam Weber rep resents the plaintiff new Turk stocks iQuoiations at Close) 4V444CJ VCI LijJ Beane local office Mason irestone Rubber IP T31U cnone 657 654 Adams Express Air Reduction Alleghany Allied Chemical Allis Chalmers Am Home Products Am Enc Tile American Can Am oreign Power Amer Locomotive Am Power Light Amer Tobacco Amer Water Works Armco American Wool do prfd Alaska Juneau American Smelting Arner Steel ound Amer Sug Refining American Radiator Amer Tel Tel I American Int Corp Anconda Copper Assd Dry Goods Atchison Atlantic Refining Armour A Auburn Auto Aviation Corp Bald Locomotive I Baltimore Ohio Barnsdall A Bondix Aviation Best Co Bethlehem S'eel Borden Brigg Mfg Brooklyn Man Cal and Hec Caterpillar Tractor vase i Coca Cola Canada Dry Canadian Pacific Chesapeake Ohio Chi Mil st Paul Ch Paul pfd Childs Co Chrysler Motor Colgate Palm Colo uel ifc Iron Colum Gas Elec do prfd Com Soiv Commonv South Congoleum Consolidated Gas Consolidated Oil Consolidated Text Conti Bakiiir A Conti Oil nf Dp1 Coiy Curtiss Wright Crosley Radio Douglas Aircraft Dela Hudson Dome Mine Dupont Eastman Kodak Eaton Ax Sp Elec Auto Lite Westinghouse Columbian ana American Ask vour Ice Delivery Man for details OHIO ICE CO Phone 1Z us for i and eight TheWL TIMMONS Co Tlnunons Polk 413 irst Nat'l Bank Bldg Ph 122 TEASURY POSITION Wz3HINGTON April 11 The po tion the treasury April 9: Receipts $1538583921: experditur os 52249124594 net balance $2751056 0135: customs receipts for the month $1030366431 Receipts for the fiscal year 'since July 1: 18971149460 expenditures $5 of emergency expenditures 1 penditures $2336628896 96 ultonham PTA The final Parent meeting cf the current school year was held et East ultonham school auditorium during the past week A business session took place fol lowed by a program presented by various classes of the school Health first song and PRODUCE MARKETS CLEVELAND April 11 Butter irm: creamerv extras in tubs 36c a lb standards 36c Steady: prices paid shippers In lOo cace lots furnished by the Cleveland nutter and egg board Extra firsts 56 lbs and up mint be poultry farm quality I 18'jca dozen current receipts 5 lbs and up 17zac Live irm: hens heavy 5 lbs and up 24c a lb medium hens 24c No 2 hens 17c: leghorn hens 22c stags Ibc: leghorn broilers 24c rock broilers fancy 3 lbs and up 2Ec: broilers colored 2 lbs and up 26c ducks 5 lbs and up 24c ducks small 20c old roosters 14c Local resh Dressed Steady: medium fowls and pullets 30c heavy fowls 30c ducks heavy 29c: broiers 1 lb and up 34c leghorn broilers 31c leg hum fowls 27c Got eminent Egg prices 'in extras large white 23c a dozen standards large 21c mixed ex tras and standards medium white 18c Potatoes Old $150 250 a lOO Ib sack new S200r240 a crate Swt 1358 150 bu TOLEDO April Unchanged Eggs resh extras current re ceipts 17c CINCINNATI April No produce market todav Pgvmccb Cblorado triumphs $250 new stock Texas 50 lb bags triumphs No 1 $215df225 NEW YORK April 7 46b firmer Creamery higher than extra extra (92 score) 33 fr33c firsts 90 91 scores! centra lized (90 score) 33c do 3s 55 ed arm Mortu 3s '49 do 3' '64 Home Own Loan 3s A '5: Jerk Then Rats from Bathtubs Berkeley Calif April Rummaging through some old ordinances City Clerk lorence Turner discovered she has the power to order ail Berkeley resi dents to liil their bathtubs and then to jerk the plugs at the same instant The old law provided for a sud den deluge to flood rats from the sower system Sunny skies will favor Zanesville Easter paraders Sunday according to 35 predictions today i I jAimougii tuav aiLixvuxicrincii is vaicuittueu io spitHui ciivti tuuuug uucj 94 i finely dressed elite who have spent 'lavish sums on their Easter wardrobe jit is just as pleasing to the down at jthe heel vagrant who hasn't had a jh jnew suit for some time Sunshine it appears is what every jbody Is wanting Easter or no Easter Tired of the long and extremely bo winter Zanesville folk hope that jpJ3 tomorrow will prove the turning point in the trail toward favorable 1 weather Eester will bring out 88 'greater show of finely than for many years it was predicted today Mer chants were experiencing an unusu ally largo last minute business today George Korn New Kensington Pa will bo the Easter guest of his par ents Mr and Mrs rank Korn Greenwood avenue GRAIN CHICAGO April Wheat soared a sharp upturn of more than 2 cents a bushel in early trading today Active buying that accompanied the rise was 1 Tl 4 04 Ar a overnm ent crop report putting i936Eeem historian Mrs Charles Moore urooanie domestic winter wneat proauc tion 40000060 bushels under the average of recent private estimates Opening 1 pent to lsc higher May July wheat soon snOHMI tnrthor Sc up May 60 Gj GO'sc and then react ed somewhat Universal ine VaCara Chemical Western Maryland Western Union 'Westinghouse Air Brak a esungnouse Woolworth Worthincrnn Pnmn '2iYclloiv Truck Coach 4 HOLIDAY MARKET IS RATHER DULL Miss Glenna Vcgelhelnu Columbus is spending the Easter week end with her parents Mr and Mrs Vogel Mm Luex avenue Woman Injured in Cedarside Easter Dinner Accident On Bridge Spring ChiclscnPhll2 2MreWeaver ya Ciaric williams 808 Locust avenue was painfully and perhape inJurcd 1 o'clock Sat jurday afternoon when bile which she wus driving figured In a collision on the Elberon avenue ierd of the ifth street bridge She was rushed to Good Samaritan Jin a taxicab which was crossing the bridge at the time o' the crash It was reported that the automo ibile which Mrs Williams was driv Putnam avenue anothcr mp to the West in then st Police said that th? license for the automobile a 1933 Chevrolet coach had been issued to the RoekcJ Hardesty and lorence Hardesty IpriA 15jPenney Co I 1 prte 23 Pennsylvania LiiIhl CPhUllos Dodce siunr hi nnar i Dunn vs Tei sr Wheel 5s Pure oil Ts 3P iProct Gam 12S Amer Tank 49' Pub Svc 189'e Vbhalt 311 'Pullman 31i Genera Eectrlc lRadio Corn toi'algrn era oods iRadio Kelth Orph terel Motors 70 (Readme co 40 Ruactones 42 Remington Rand 16 Republic Steel 3i Goodyear Glidden Co lial Gold Dust (Gt Northern prfd Granby Coju nni i Graham Paige osGt West Sugar 1 Houston Oil Sound nupp Motors Hudson Motors Illinois Central Ind Rayon Ingersol Rand Inland Steel Inspiration Copper Int Harvester fi iVnt TcI Tel Int Nickel 'rl 8: Johns Manville du Kelvinator Kresg Co 3 I Kroger Groceries 22 Lambert rnarm 19 'Lehigh Valley 29 Libby Owens PI 56 Liggrett Myers 62 Loews Inc 27 Loose Wiles Biscuit 57 49 Louisville Nash 12 Ludluni Steel 78 Macey 168 Magma Copper 89 Mack Truck 13 I Marshall ield I3Math Alkali 58 4 1 May Dep Stores 2 Mexican Seaboard 43a Mid Contiient 8 Miami Copper 102 Missouri Pacific 7: Mont Ward 6 21 I Murray Corp 100 1 National Acme Biscuit Cash Rec A 40 Nat Dairy Prod 34 'Nat Distilleries 14 Nat Power National Steel 16 (Nash Motors 36 (New York Central 72 New Haven Western 7 I North American Co 23 No Amer Aviation 64i Northern Pacific 49 Ohio Oil 44 'Owens Bottle 151 Steel 166 (Pacific Gas fc Elect 36 Motors 41 Pathe Each BOSTON WOOL BOSTON Anri? 11 a scatierru himsvuvw fair volume were noted in the Bostonmarket for domestic wools during the past week Demand however was relatively ''auuv ar IHUSI Buyers uiiumauuu gg attitude Prices generally were some champions was held what below peaks realized one to twouj mornins months and closed unsettled Never 1 theless views with regard to the outioso I he spoilers began to brighten count elementary i ftna 1rr riLory woods werj quoted nominally at 85 ilpated in the annual competition tents scoured basts uranen nw jjsh high school The contest fleeces of strictly combing length ranged from 33 35 cents the grease for fine divided in two sections one 36 cents for bluod and 35 38 cents fif th and SJXth grade students and bIood graders Each entrant had previously won aj school or dutrict championship the i result being that only the cream of I the county spellers were avembled today for the final elimination 44 Elect 120 SKIES 38 65 Mr and Mrs (daughter Miss airmcnt avenue and Mrs Henry Lie berman Cleveland have gone to Chi Pottery AX OrkCr Bums cazo to visit Mr and Mrs James1 rpo T)pafh Othprs Saved inch Mr men is me uaugruct Liverpook Aprll v) i Mr and Mrs Hardesty 33i pottery worker burned to death today in a fire in i Mrs Clarence Cashbaugh Denoxi which a dog awakened two children! avenue and Mrs Carl Ceshbaugh and who aroured their mother and fled toj daughters Jean and Martha Ann safety I airmont avenue have returned from Police said evidence indicated De I cnninli rnr rnnn'Ar ii Pov 10 month cld son Mr and dauenter Mr and Mrs Charles home had been smoking in bed 5 George Kinder 78 Greenwoou i barks awoke will be hcd at ociock 'children aged 14 and 15 Reddick afternoon at Dan unera bum was awav from home at the time I rif Kiiu ivut u' hr adelphia are visiting Mr and Mrs Russell Rowan 1039 Sunset avenue LIVE STOCK MARKETS CHlGAtrij April 11 i i iU 3 Lcpi Cat OU cahes 100 compareci better grade tea taem Jimply Uighur star: truces fully up nippiy reduction forc bu: trade un better 111 tia ti nn Uiz iiiadiik suipp'r demand later develop ment cue to Lenten influences and Jew noliaaj hence largely forced mat riel not cmy on steers but other clades Stock unevenly 25 5(c higher: bulls 25 up and veaiers L5 50c hsiher lew fed irecri above Siu 25 several loads however ItGina ut $10 50n 1080 best light steers slejv: IfeTiit yearlings $925 numerousjtds sfiling at $775 0 875 3 COO for we ekentling riday 5 900 directs compared riday last week: niarkct mostly 50 75c higher on old rup iambs woolskins predominptcd: upply from Colorado and Nebraska first five ays this week 136 doubles aged classes mostly steady: week's top wooled lambs highest since early January paid at close best clippers $915: closing eroics wooled lambs $1075Tf 1100 few av if in i 1 1 1 1 1 tuu auviiai trade developed on springers for Easter yt a vdie range of prices mostly oo tj 18 00 top wooled ewes S575 2500 including 2 000 direct: mar ket nominally steady on limited supplv top $1080 on good to choice around 210 lb part loads $1075: few lots medium grade hogs $10109 1025 scattered salesows $94O 965: other weights absent shippers look none: estimated holdover 500 compared with a week ago unevenly steady to 20c higher mostly 5 10c up CINCINNATI April 'U 3 Dept Hogs 11C 0 including 393 mrect ana inruugn: no roiaover steady: top and bulk 160 200 lbs 2W JVV IDS dr Mrs avenue Monday home park Tlu? brdy will remain at fnr 012 rrait ciL' num suite highways ordered by the state' LA'(i MILL 1 ILLIft director cr highways Keren was id teet the roads from damage dur ng VU Judge the period of thawing ard excesslie rnttee top covert Monday Baker riday Bux the ae MU VI ftv vxa Uft April 13 it was announced toaay rtnrough SherUI Ed Redman chldren S' CJ LOS I 1 1 DV rApruunuiva 52634030156 including $2519 532 54343 xcess ut tn cross aeot AH 43396222313 a decrease of $1057 48350 under the previous day as sets $1019055077343 July Scot S2c $1702: sept 1102 Tnv Rnnkc Clnp at iint bonus Office 11O i The? collection of steal estate taxes the first half of 1935 ceased today the office of County Treas urer Charier Bradshaw The col lection one of the itest since 1929 was expected to shew but little de linquency Hracunaw irraicavea inav scmvuituv I with the county auditor will be de ikijcd for a few days and probably not Ixi made until April 15 a 1 ak looa stricken 1 owns Kise Two were submitted to the state highway department riday for0 jreloeating county roads No 14 and I No 431 in and Monroe town a project made necessary by the creation or wins ureex conserv ancy reservoir The were: Shidecker Co Columbus 36 and the Adams Contract ing co zanesvuie 449360 va The Zanesville firm also submitted a bid of $3873183 for the construe tton of several roads tn ranklin and Linton townships Coshocton county Other bidders for this job were McGarren of Walhonding $38 Ji 63235 and Shidecker $3883285 An interesting report of the or activities in the East ultonham school during the past Corn started year was given by the historian By VICTOR EVBAAK Aaaocitcd Press inancial Writer NEW YORK April Selectice 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Did they ever find the missing monkey in Zanesville Ohio? ›

ZANESVILLE, Ohio - Ohio Sheriff Matt Lutz said he is confident that the monkey missing from a Muskingum County exotic animal farm was dead on Wednesday, and therefore the active search for the primate was called off, reports CBS 10-TV.

What famous person was born in Zanesville Ohio? ›

Kurt Abbott was born on 2 June 1969 in Zanesville, Ohio, USA. He is an actor, known for Shiny One (2021), True Colours (2022) and 2000 National League Championship Series (2000).

What did Amelia Earhart say about Zanesville Ohio? ›

In the days when pilots relied on landmarks for their bearings, Amelia Earhart called Zanesville “the most recognizable city in the country” because of the Y Bridge.

What happened to the animals from Zanesville, Ohio? ›

On October 18, 2011, owner Terry Thompson allegedly set free 50 of his 56 exotic animals before taking his own life by shooting himself in the head. Lions, tigers, bears and wolves were among the animals that escaped and were hunted by local law enforcement out of fear for public safety.

Who were the victims of the Zanesville zoo massacre? ›

Forty-eight were killed: 18 tigers, nine lions, eight lionesses, six black bears, three mountain lions, two grizzly bears, a baboon and a wolf. Three leopards, two monkeys and another animal were captured and taken to a local zoo.

What is Zanesville, Ohio famous for? ›

Zanesville was founded by American Revolutionary War patriot Colonel Ebenezer Zane, a maternal great-grandfather of Zane Grey. Zanesville was once known as the "Pottery Capital of the World" because of its large number of pottery manufacturers.

What celebrities currently live in Ohio? ›

10 Most Famous Celebrities That Live in Ohio
  • Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson.
  • Bill Waterson.
  • LeBron James.
  • Michael Symon.
  • Mark Nolan.
  • Teri Garr.
  • The Russo Brothers.
  • Josh Dun.
Sep 6, 2023

What is the race population in Zanesville Ohio? ›

The 5 largest ethnic groups in Zanesville, OH are White (Non-Hispanic) (80.4%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (8.59%), Two+ (Non-Hispanic) (6.58%), Two+ (Hispanic) (1.3%), and Asian (Non-Hispanic) (1.26%).

How old is the Y bridge in Zanesville, Ohio? ›

Zanesville Ohio's First Y Bridge: 1814 to 1818

In addition, he was to establish ferries where his Trace crossed important rivers. The first settlers in Zanesville were Ferrymen Henry Crooks and William McCulloch who, in 1797, operated ferries across the Muskingum River. Early ferries were planks secured to canoes.

Where is the Y bridge in Ohio? ›

Who is Zanesville Ohio named after? ›

Zanesville was named after Ebenezer Zane, who had constructed Zane's Trace, a pioneer road from Wheeling, Virginia to Maysville, Kentucky through present-day Ohio. In 1797, he gave land as payment to his son-in-law, John McIntire, at the point where Zane's Trace met the Muskingum River.

Did they ever find the monkey from the Zanesville massacre? ›

The 2011 threat level: Fearing the loose animals would attack humans, and with sunset approaching, law enforcement intervened. Deputies killed 49: 18 Bengal tigers, 17 lions, six black bears, three cougars, two grizzly bears, two wolves and a baboon. One monkey was never found. It's assumed a big cat ate it.

What famous person is from Zanesville Ohio? ›

Famous Western author Zane Grey grew up in Zanesville. He wrote more than 90 books and became one of the first millionaire authors with total book sales exceeding 40 million. The National Road-Zane Grey Museum is located in Norwich, just east of Zanesville.

What is the movie about Zanesville Ohio? ›

How 48 wild animals belonging to a private collector in Zanesville, Ohio, were found roaming in a residential area and had to be killed by the police.

Have they found the missing monkey? ›

ITV News' Peter Smith confirms the monkey has been caught

One couple who saw the monkey in their back garden at the weekend described the experience as "so surreal". Carl Nagle, 49, and his partner, Tiina Salzberg, 50, saw the monkey from their patio doors in Kincraig, near Kingussie, on Sunday morning.

Were the missing monkeys found? ›

Update: The two monkeys were found Tuesday inside a closet at an empty home about 15 miles from the Dallas Zoo. Two emperor tamarin monkeys were apparently taken from the Dallas Zoo, officials said on Monday, the latest in a series of bizarre episodes that have included the escape and death of other animals this month.

Did they ever find the missing duck hunter? ›

Authorities found the boat and rescued another person, but Doyle has remained missing, despite lengthy searches involving local authorities, the U.S. Coast Guard, the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources and others.

Were human remains found in Zanesville Ohio? ›

ZANESVILLE- The human remains found at Chaps Run Park in late January have been identified as a Zanesville man missing since summer. Chief Tony Coury confirmed the results of a DNA analysis came back to Justen Titman, a 32-year-old homeless man known to stay in the area where his body was discovered.

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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.