Waco Tribune-Herald from Waco, Texas (2024)


at 17th Nights and Sundays Call JEFP CHASTAIN SCHWARTING BOB LAZENBY JACK McCLELLAN 2-6690 ANDY JOHNSON GEO. O. HERRING 2-9590 JOHN MILBERGER Blond Brick Beauty In Brookview Hills! Here 1s real living comfort for the entire family near schools and community center. With THREE BEDROOMS, separate dining room and TWO TILE BATHS. Ideal for the larger family.

Kitchen has space for breakfast table, stainless steel drain and Bendix connections. Rear yard 15 a THING OF BEAUTY with patio, brick table and benches, and large brick BARBECUE PIT! All on wide choice lot. Call for appointment and SEE TODAY! Another GUTHRIE CO. EXCLUSIVE! 3 Bedrooms and Den! Located conveniently to bus line and school and in 8 restricted residential area, we offer this fine frame home with stone trim, separate dining room with built-in planter boxes. large kitchen with extra cabinet space, three bedrooms, KNOTTY PINE DEN, and one and half baths.

LOTS of square feet and LOTS of value at $14.950. May we show you? Prewar Built $7500! We offer you this older type home consisting of two LARGE BEDROOMS, big living room, separate nice kitchen, also a SCREENED-IN BACK PORCH. Located in North Waco and ON THE BUS LINE! Selling for ONLY $75001 Terms arranged. Bellmead Special! A big, roomy, 5-room frame home with space for your family. Large bedrooms, separate dining room, 10x12 storage room back of garage plus 12x25 screenporch.

There are washer connections, fenced yard. BEAUTIFUL SHRUBS, and it's on the bus line and two blocks from La Vega School. All this and more FATE only CO. $8.750. EXCLUSIVE! Another Call S.

and J. seel GUTH- Crestview Brick! Exceptional location, VERY CLOSE TO SCHOOL, we offer this fine three-bedroom home having separate dining room, extra LARGE KITCHEN. Appliance room with washer connections. full tile bath with shower, CENTRAL HEATING system, attractively decorated. Here is 8 most desirable home for only $14,300.

CALL TODAY! It will be 8 pleasure to SHOW YOU this GUTHRIE CO. EXCLUSIVEI $3500 Cash Handles Lovely Brick Home! Top-quality Northwest Waco location with 7 rooms, baths, entrance hall, large covered porch, double garage, servant quarters, 100-foot beautifully shrubbed corner lot in neighborhood of $40,000 to $50,000 homes. Central heating, tile baths, also large dressing room. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Total QUICK SALES PRICE is just $22.5001 it's AS near 88 YOUR PHONE.

Quality Gl Homes! Only $57.36 Payments! We invite your closest inspection of these quality-built two-bedroom eligible for 20-year, loans. features, Including termite shields, rock wool insulation, built under VA supervision, grade A plumbing, every city utility, paved street, curb and gutter. Top of the hill location near Kendrick School. ONLY THREE LEFTI Better hurry! S. J.

Guthrie Co. 1701 Austin Ave. Dependable One-Stop HOME BUYERS HEADQUARTERS J.H.Harrell Co. REALTORS GENERAL INSURANCE 123 SOUTH 5TH STREET 1 DIAL 3-1548 The following are excellent buys: 601 Greer Drive. 9.000.00 5 rooms and bath 808 North 44th 11,750.00 6 rooms and bath 605 Greer Drive 9.500.00 5 rooms and bath 4509 Erath 12.900.00 5 rooms, bath and screened porch 805 Greer Drive 9,500.00 5 rooms sand bath 4317 Erath Avenue 14.900.00 6 rooms and bath.

screened porch, year round air conditioning 809 Greer Drive 9.750.00 5 rooms and bath' 1101 North 44th 17.000.00 6 rooms and bath A TELEVISION WILL BE GIVEN WITH ANY OF ABOVE HOMES. SHITE WILLOWBROOK DRIVE Choice 5 rooms and tile bath. Small play room. Tile drain. 2 Panelray heaters.

Mantel in living room. China cabinets in dining room. Outside blinds. Attached garage. Lots of shrubs and trees.

Beautiful yard. Reasonable down payment and assume 25-year loan at BEAUTIFUL HOMESITES In new Champion Addition part 2-- 83-foot front, curb and gutter, lights, gas and water. $1250.00. Tanglewood Addition. Beautiful wooded area.

100-foot lots. $1425.00. Brookhaven Addition. All oversize lots. $1200.00 and up.

All conveniences. CALL AN ASSOCIATE: Earl Bob St. Esther Wells Blake Wade Co. DIAL 4-5608 -and ready for you to move in--you get 8 full 5-room home, only 5 years old. 2 floor furnaces, detached garage, fenced rear yard and nicely landscaped.

You can buy it on very reasonable terms and the location is good at 1116 North 33rd St. CALLING ALL PROSPECTS- Owner leaving town and in 8 hurry to sell this large 2-bedroom home with screened breezeway and attached garage. The house is in good condition and situated on a 65-ft. corner lot. Priced to S-E-L-L.

We also have good buy at $5750 with only $1000 Down, balance payable $50 Monthly. Nights and Sundays Call COCHRAN. Res. Phone 3-6653 CLYDE Phone 3-6344 BLAKE Phone 3-4114 Blake Wade Co. 713 WASHINGTON PHONE 4-5608 BEN F.

BROWN MEDICAL ARTS BLDG. PH. 3-7341 3-bedroom home with large trees. on Oriental Road; separate dining room. breakfast $1450 cash and $55 per month buys 2- bedroom home, attached garage, on Lasker.

New, with 2 bedrooms and den. at Crestview: attached Lake Air Drive-2 acres and trees. bedrooms. 3 baths including servant's quarters. Vernice Turner 2-8056 CLASSIFIED ADS USUALLY NEEDS FULFILL UNUSUAL X-REAL ESTATE OFFERINGS CorwinBrazelton Co.

2-6501 OVERLOOK ADDITION Just completed and ready for This beautiful home in Overlook Addition has large living room, L-shaped dining room, combination 30-ft. long, 3 lovely rooms, baths, heating and double garage for only $15,250.00. CRESTVIEW ADDITION Brand new two-bedroon and den, full tile bath home in the modern trend with heating, panelled kitchen with tile features and breakfast area, 8t- tached garage and only 2 blocks from school. Priced to sell at only $11,250. 3-BEDROOM BEAUTY Brand new with large living roomdining room combination, 18-ft.

kitchen with tile features and breakfast area, 8 extra large bedrooms, tile in bath, central heating, double garage attached with breezeway located in a beautiful new addition in N. W. Waco and priced to sell for only $11.000.00. The loan is already set up and it will only $2,500.00 to handle and payments only $60.00 per month. MEMBER WACO MULTI-LIST ASSOCIATES: BILL 2-2742 BOB BARSTOW.

RES. 4-7885 ELIZABETH 2-4041 HANK 2-1202 REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 108 NORTH 5TH DIAL 4-2381 NEAR SEARS STORE 1-Ideal location for someone connected with Sears. Lovely cottage, four rooms and bath, located on corner lot, convenient to Sanger School, bus and shopping district. Only $5850. NEAR BAYLOR HOME AND INVESTMENT 2--If you have reached the Golden Years and have some idle money we place you in an independent position by purchasing this investment for $9500.

bringing 8 monthly rental of $120 per month with three rooms occupied by present owner, also furniture included. This home consists of eight rooms and ample bath facilities, oversized lot and an ideal location. See us for further details. NORTH 11TH 3-One of those older type homes in excellent condition, present owner does not need this size home, it consists of three bedrooms, nice bath, large living room, garage with storage space. Price $10.000.

For a quick sale owner will entertain a reasonable offer. Associate: W. H. Jenkins Jr. BERKMAN WOOD Jake R.

Schwartz PHONE 2-2565 221 LIBERTY BLDG. Member Waco Multi-List 1712 Pine Ave. In town we have part this 2-bedroom home, spic and span and just like new. Close to bus and shopping. You can quit dreaming nOW and buy this 1917 Mabray ready Three to go.

bedrooms Attrac- and tively designed for style and beauty. Has Royal-Jet Flow heating. Large kitchen has tile drain and washer connections. The closets and storage will be your pride and you. Will finance GI with $575 3828 N.

21-A there are almost 3 new bedrooms. and Yard is fenced and the house is heated centrally. You can take up the owner's GI loan for only $2350. Pay the loan company $61.13 every month. Don't pass this by.

4021 Trice Ave. 7 transferred has and been he left this 2-bedroom home for us to sell. The total payments on this GI loan are $45.44. Has floor furnace. You can buy the equity for only $1250.

PECK HARDEE HALLA MAY LIPSITZ LORRAINE MARRS R. SCHWARTZ A. P. 115 8. 25TH DIAL 3-5303 WACO MULTI-LIST MEMBER SOMETHING--For Almost--NOTHING attractive central heated 3-bedroom home with individual styling.

On corner lot, double garage, at an amazing LOW PRICE! Don't take our word -let us show you it's honey! CRESTVIEW SCHOOL ADDITION Cute 2-bedroom home with floor furnace, garage, storage, established for just $7000-small down mo. payments. STRICTLY A BARGAIN $6750 busy 12-year-old large 2- bedroom home on corner. Will make nice home or GOOD revenue property -close to 25th shopping center. CASTLE HEIGHTS $1680 GI equity in this lovely large 5-room home with attached garage, trees! Immediate possession.

FOR RENT OR SALE 3824 Cumberland NIGHTS AND SUNDAYS CALL Archie Novian Vada Haralson Dorothy Novian Joe Voigt Verle Bowen JACKSON BARRETT R. E. SMITH NETTIE ROSE STRONG TOM JACKSON Five-room home, attached garage, concrete patio, immitation fireplace. Attached garage-4017 Roselawn. Seven rooms, three bedrooms.

den, patio, central heat. double garage, store room, two Large two-bedroom home, breezeway, floor furnace, attached garage, 144-ft. front lot-3917 Mockingbird. New. lovely 3 bedroom, tile bath, concrete patio.

Modern design. Central heat-513 Camp Drive. Extra nice-3 bedrooms, baths, stone front, heating, double garage, extra nice DIAL 4-5418 1108-HOUSES FOR SALE Davis R. Garland REVENUE PROPERTY Dawntown store building $35.000 Duplex apartment, furnished 13.800 Duplex walking dist. town 8.750 Duplex, close in, new 9.500 2-room cottage, furnished 2.750 4-room cottage 3,750 COTTAGES 3 bedrooms, northwest 8.750 bedrooms, above average .10.500 bedrooms, bargain 6.500 rooms, 6 acres, 10 miles 4,750 4 rooms, 3701 N.

26th 4,750 VACANT LOTS 2 wooded lots, north part $2.250 75-foot zoned business 1,800 Bell's Hill lots 1,850 1 East Waco lot 600 1512 N. 15th 7.500 Davis R. Garland-Owners-R. L. Keirsey 518 Franklin Ave.

Phone 2-4329 E. G. Nabors. Res. 2-1837 R.

L. Keirsey Res. 4-4393 Davis R. Garland Res. 2-6643 BARGAIN--ONLY $2950 Five-room house.

bath. Phone Marie Easter. 2-8366. NEAR BROOK nome. $650 down.

bal $50 month. Phone 2-8366. Mrs. Travis. LOVELY NEW 3-bedroom home near VA Hospital.

1305 Holly Vista. Large lot; garage: storage. Phone 2-1588. X-REAL ESTATE 110B- HOUSES FOR SALE Avenue Realty 1417 HERRING AVE. PHONE 2-1752 LOVELY-5-room home on 70x210 lot.

Lots of trees. In North Waco. Reduced to $7950.00. REVENUE-7 rooms, 2 baths, double g8- rage. Lot 175x170.

All this close to Providence Hospital for only $12.500. EQUITY-2 bedroomhofloor, furnace, near block of bus. $1100.00 moves you in. Total Monthly NEW-3-bedroom home near Crestview School. Large lot.

Attached garage. Stone trimmed. Only $9400 Today. BARGAIN-5-room home near Hillcrest Hospital. Newly redecorated inside.

GI Equity. monthly payments. Total EQUITIES EQUITIES EQUITIES We have them in all parts of town 88 low as $800 down--Let us show you one or two today. We Buy Equities, Too Call Us About Yours. Needed Very Much--2- and 3-bedroom homes in all parts--New and occupied homes--Cash Buyers.



Mehaffey REAL 913 WASHINGTON PHONE 4-1445 ON AUSTIN AVENUE (3 years old)Beautiful blond brick home: Large living room with fireplace; dining room, breakfast room, large kitchen with walk-in pantry; den finished in natural birch; 2 huge bedrooms, 2 beautiful tile baths, both have tub and shower combination; screened-in side porch, front and back patios; walled-in back yard, lovely shrubs and flowers. double garage. Lot is 100x200. Wallto-wail carpeting, drapes, more builtins than Do you can imagine! Call us for an appointment. 2-STORY DUPLEX.

Lakeview; can be used as a residence; 3 rooms and bath in both apartments; garage ON BUS LINE near Brookview Hills5-room home and garage, large rooms, screened back porch; vacant. DOUGLAS CARTER O. L. PROCTOR Greenwood Addn. Ideal spot for your new home.

Lovely, wooded area near Cameron Park. 1. 3 bedrooms-Roman brick. Central heat. 2.

2 bedrooms, knotty pine den. 3. 3 bedrooms with carport. Central heat. From N.

5th St. continue out Lindsey Hollow Road to Baker Lane, thence to Greenwood Drive. FRANK FRAZIER DIAL 3-6441 OPEN For Inspection 2209 N. 42ND Low GI Equity 2 bedrooms, separate dining room, floor furnace, garage. Storage with washer connections.

Lovely landscaped yard. Owner will carry second lien note. Phone 2-8025. JUDD REAL ESTATE CO. 713 SERVICE MUTUAL PH.

4-5731 1-Nice new house on Connally-small down payment. house in good condition, on Indiana--bargain. 3-2-bedroom home, sleeping porch; Cyclone fence; garage--on Homan. Priced to sell. Associates: LON JUDD, Lorena, 8-74357 W.

G. WEST. 2-5175 GEORGE L. HERBER, 4-5380 2 BEDROOMS With 6 acres. Faces N.

19th and N. 20th. between Meridian and Stewart Drive. New school to be built 1 block of this property. Lots can face N.

19th, N. 20th and Stewart Drive. DIAL 2-0234 Exclusive With Blaize Blaize Realty Co. "GO TO HOUSE BY OWNER 10 BE SOLD AT COST 3325 N. 29th-3 bedrooms, 2 baths.

acre lot. FHA-built. $2700 down payment. Open for your inspection. Ph.

2-8556. SALE BY OWNER TWO BEDROOMS AND DEN or use as three bedrooms in desirable Castle Crest Addition. Priced below market in area of fine homes. Tile kitchen and bath. Separate all-tile shower.

Slab doors, built-in features, screened back porch, ranch-style architecture. Finest materials. 400 North 41st Street. Phone 4-6058 or 2-5531. BROOKVIEW HILLS--Did you ever see a dream sitting? Here is one right before your eyes in a 2-bedroom, large living room, separate dining room, attractive entrance hall, large kitchen with dining room space, back porch partly closed in for utility room.

There is a double sink and tile drain in kitchen, also a beautiful tile bath, papered walls and hardwood floors throughout. This home has all the style and conveniences of any of the finer homes. Price reduced. Low equity. Phone 2-3908.

The Economy Pian of Home Ownership Let 115 explain how we can build 2-bedroom home on your lot for 88 little as $150 down and low monthly payments. See model house at 1412 S. 26th, open for your inspection. Conner Construction Ph. 4-4412.

SOUTH OVERLOOK Lovely 3-bedroom home on an oversized corner lot. Tile features, venetian blinds, wall-to-wal carpeting in living room, dining room and entrance hall; attached double garage; shrubbery and lawn. Shown by appointment only. Dial 3-3028. $550 DOWN TO GI 3921.

MAPLE--New 2-bedroom; oversize closets, vent-a-hood, tile drain, detached garage, and other extra features. Ph. 3-3028 or 3-0133. 2-3451. BY OWNER Furnished or unfurnished: Spacious 2-bedroom home.

like new; tile bath; double garage and carport; barbecue pit: artesian water: near Fly-TAF. North Junior, Dean Highland Schools; Provident bus-3013 Lasker. 3601 N. 26TH 3 BEDROOMS. tile bath.

corner lot; $550 cash plus closing costs to GI. OWNER, 2-0234 Blaize Blaize Realty Co. "GO TO 3 BEDROOMS Brand new 3-bedroom home with tile bath, tile drain, central heating, and washer connections: in choice location of West Waco. Priced to sell! Dial 2-5527 or 3-8658. AAA BUILT HOMES For information, dial 4-1458 or 4-3657 See these quality-built homes at lower prices.

Price range from $5000 to $12.500. SMALL EQUITY-2-bedroom home, bath, attached garage, near school. Johnnie Lehman. 2508 Washington. off.

2-4560: res. 3-8060. BARGAIN- -NORTH Waco. Nice 3-room home. Only $2850.

See Marie Easter, 911 N. 12th. Ph. 2-8366. BELL'S HILL--Nice large 4-room home.

bath. Close out $3500. 1713 Ross. Mrs. Travis.

911 N. 12th. Phone 2-8366. PRACTICALLY -Central heat, three bedrooms, 2-bath home. Double garage.

On corner. 3-3263. CLOSING OUT estate. Nice 8-room duplex. 2 baths, corner lot.

$10.500. N. 16th. See Foster-913 N. 12th.

2-8366. BEAUTIFUL 3-BEDROOM home on Colcord Ave. Double garage; price $10.500. Phone 4-3565. 2-5036.

3-BEDROOM HOME for sale by owner. Near VA Hospital and new Kendrick School. Phone 2-2946. BY OWNER-5-room house, corner lot, near 25th 8t. shopping center, 2725 Cole.

Phone 2-6002. X-REAL ESTATE 1106 HOUSES FOR SALE FRANK Austin Ph. 3-5388 GI SPECIAL 1413 South 29th St. a Beautiful New 2-bedroom home detached garage, no city cax. Will sell to non-Veterans with $1000 down.

REVENU PROPERTY NEAR BAYLOR in good repair, Triplex or can be used a rooming house for better income at present return on your money. DUPLEX NEAR BAYLOR. Remarkable rent property. You can't go wrong buying property that pays for itself. A good price on this.

Shown by appointment. J. E. Howell Ruth Strickland F. M.

McCutchen 3-5650 Attention Veterans No Down Payment ONLY $155 LOAN EXPENSE TOTAL CASH OUTLAY FOUR HOUSES LEFT ONLY, NEW ADDITION KENDRICK LANE SCHOOL 60-FOOT TWO BEDROOMS SEVEN BIG CLOSETS CURBS, GUTTERS, SIDEWALKS AND PAVED STREETS FLOOR FURNACE COLORED BATHROOM FIXTURES 2328 AND 2212 LEE ST. ALSO LARGER HOME WITH ATTACHED GARAGE, TWO PLACES TO EAT-WITH ONLY $255 CASH REQUIRED-2220 AND 2232 LEE ST. If you have been thinking about buying home, look these over. CALL BUILDER At 3-8964 or 4-0947 GI LOAN 2820 ALEXANDER Lovely 5-room home with garage; tile bath, tile drain, floor furnace; insulated; on beautifully improved lot; $575 down payment will handle everything for veteran with good income. Dial 2-5527 or 3-8658.

Joe Herring, Realtor. BY OWNER being transferred. GI financed 2-bedroom, separate dining room, automatic washer connections, floor furnace, insulation, fenced yard. Many other features. Must be seen to be appreciated.

Total monthly payments $41. Near school, church, stores, bus. Northwest Waco. Phone 3-2156. NINE ACRES, in cultivation, small lake fed by everlasting springs, 2 miles from city limits.

Attractive 5 rooms, screened front and back porch, all modern conveniences, wood-burning fireplace, excellent condition. Triple garage, new chicken house. Price reduced. 2-3908. GI EQUITY 4001 BEVERLY DRIVE Nice 2 bedrooms and den home.

like new. Central heating; Cyclone fence, oversized lot. Owner, phone 3-8092 or 2-3182. ONLY $4500 6 rooms, bath, in Bellmead. Full-sized fenced lot.

Reasonable down payment. Owner, phone 3-8092. 2-3182. NEAR BAYLOR Large 6-room home, 2 lots; lots of trees, new paper and paint only $5200. Phone 2-8366.

LOVELY 3-BEDROOM home, double garage. Cyclone fence. Lovely yard. Priced right. A home you don't find every day.

Cumberland Ave. Marie Easter. 2-8366. 4 ROOMS finish. Lot 52x150.

Cyclone fence. Corner lot. Garage. Payments $36.99 per month. Would take late model car on equity.

See owner-2001 South 22nd St. BIGGEST BARGAIN IN TOWN Large house; will make duplex; new cabinet and hot water heater; 2-room cottage, bath at rear; 2 lots, nice trees. only $4500. Call Mrs. Travis.

2-8366. ONLY $4500 807 COLCORD rooms, bath and porch; garage. Reasonable down payment. Owner, phone 3-8092, 2-3182. BEAUTIFUL NEW red brick home, rooms, 2 baths, heating system.

Corner lot. Reduced to $14.490, West Waco, Eula Foster-2-8366 or 2-9406. 10 MINUTES FROM downtown; no city taxes; $33.50 per month; has been renting for $80: 5-room home, 100-ft. lot; artesian water and well for yard. Bargain.

Dial 3-4087 or 4-5347. BRICK VENEER-2 bedrooms, 1 tile bath with shower; large kitchen, attached garage. Good location, under construction. Johnnie Lehman, 2508 Washington. Off.

2-4560: res. 3-8060. McKENZIE full rooms, bath, large garage. Owner left town. Worth the money.

Johnnie Lehman, 2508 Washington. Off. 2-4560: res. 3-8060. LARGE 5-ROOM home, Parrott Ave.

Only $5650. Eula Foster. 2-8366. NEAR BELLMEAD 5-room home, breezeway and garage; corner lot-only $4950. Eula Foster-2-8366.

3-BEDROOM BRICK, 1800 sq. baths, colored fixtures; dishwasher, disposal, Frigidaire washer, dryer; carpeting, central heat; 6 mos. old, $17.400. Phone 4-7319. BY OWNER-Small 6-room cottage on large corner lot; Northwest Waco; shade trees; garden; near school and bus.

$4500. Phone 3-0947. REAL NICE 2-bedroom home; nice garage furnished. Good revenue, beautiful lot. $8950.

Phone 4-3565. 2-5036. BEVERLY DRIVE $1250 cash, $43 month; 2. bedrooms. tile bath, drain.

Phone 4-3565 or 2-5036. BELL'S HILL Beautiful 2-bedroom home. Attached garage. Nice fenced yard. Nice large building in rear for plumbing, cabinet shop.

furniture or upholstery. Priced to sell. Dutton Ave. 2-8366. NICE DUPLEX, completely remodeled.

Corner lot, near Brook Ave. School. Lovely trees. 701 Garland, $6750. Mrs.

Travis, 2-8366. WONDERFUL LOCATION for garage or business. Large 6-apt. house, 95-ft. lot.

Commercially zoned, $7500. See Mrs. Travis, 913 N. 12th. Phone 2-8366.

NICE LARGE 5-room house, North 4th only $4500, $800 cash, bal. $45 month. Marie Easter, 2-8366. OUT WHERE it's cool. Nice large 5-room home.

Corner lot. Place for cow, chickens and garden. acre, only $5950. S. 3rd.

See Mrs. Travis-2-8366. NORTH WACO-14-room apt. house. Cottage in rear.

All apts. furnished. 3-car garage. Zoned for business; 4 baths. Easy terms.

Phone 4-3565 or 2-5036. SPECIAL BARGAINS Nice duplex on Trice 2 only $6300. Mrs. T. E.

Travis, 2-8366-911 N. 12th. 1950 BUICK SPECIAL DELUXE FOUR-DOOR SEDAN Dynaflo, Radio, Heater $1695 Call Owner, 4-7726 SEE OUR COMPLETE STOCK Heaters Refrigerators Radios Other Appliances OPEN 8 A. P. M.

COGDELL APPLIANCE CENTER JOHN BOLGER 18th and Washington 06-HOUSES FOR SALE SUNNYDELL GARDENS BLOCK BAGBY AVE. $1000. Down or Less will purchase 2-bedroom home Just from new Kendrick School. Priced From $7150 NOT ECONOMY HOUSES but well constructed of first class terials with large rooms, plenty of closets, beautiful oak floors, big covered porches. Textured walls finished with scrubbable Super Tone.

Bath has shower over with tile. Lots are curbed, with squeegee Possession 1 week or less. Field office in subdivision. DESIGNED, CONSTRUCTED AND SALE BY Joe Grissom Jr. PHONE 3-2051 4-5516 AFTER M.

REAL ESTATE DIAL 3-7388 LOW GI EQUITY-LASKER AVE. Large 5-rm. home with concrete-floored attached garage. Only 8 months old and in perfect condition. VA supervised construction.

Separate dining room, 7 closets, textone walls, 6-foot lot, curb, gutter, street. One block to bus line, 2 blocks to Dean-Highland School. Pay owner's equity, assume balance on GI Joan and move in. No loan expense. NEW Very attractive 3-bedroom home and attached garage located only 2 blocks from new school and bus line.

Separate dining room. Nice size kitchen with double sink and tile drain. Shower over tub in bath. Interior walls beautifully finished with textone and attractive wallpaper. Excellent construction and 8 real buy for $8500.

THERE IS now one home than can be yours, and move in tomorrow. Just a few doors from Waco Drive at 723 N. 9th. Those repairs and improvements you will make. will be for your benefit and not 8 landlord's.

This house can be bought for $3750 at just $40 down and $40 monthly. Look it over--if you want it, see the owner at 3032 Bosque Blvd. after 6 p. and move in immediately. ONLY $4500 1702 WEBSTER BATH, GARAGE AND STOREROOMS, CORNER LOT.

PHONE 3-8092 OR 2-3182. BEAUTIFUL NEW 3-bedroom home by owner. Near school, Hillcrest Addition; exceptional location, 3125 Alexander, Ph. 4-7359. GI EQUITY in 2-bedroom home.

Carport, large detached garage; like new. North Waco, by owner. Ph. 2-1572 after 5:30 week days. BARGAIN DUPLEX.

furnished, North Waco. $4200. Cash $1000. Balance mo. Marie Easter-2-8366.

SEMI-DUPLEX-6 rooms. in. North Waco. Only $750 cash, bai. monthly.

Eula Foster, phone 2-8366. 911 N. 12th. BELL'S HILL--Good 5-room house, builtin cabinet. Corner lot, $3250.

Marie Easter, phone 2-8366. NORTHWEST WACO-Practically new bedrooms, breezeway. Garage. Other special features. $1150 down.

$52 mo. Ph. 4-3565 2-8160. GOOD DUPLEX, nice condition, only $4250 --618 S. 13th.

Phone 2-8366. BIG BARGAIN--Nice 3-room home, bath, Only $2600-1833 Plum St. See Mrs. Travis, 911 No. 12th, phone 2-8366.

BARGAIN-IMMEDIATE possession. Nice home, garage, North Waco, fenced yard. Corner lot. Was $7500. Selling for $6000.

Hurry! Call Eula Foster-2-8366. 911 North 12th St. LOW GI equity, N.W. Waco- 2 bedrooms; modern; move in today. Take cash, late car, lot.

Phone 3-2793. WONDERFUL REVENUE property-2 new houses on 1 lot, 2520 Burnett, priced right. See Mrs. Travis, 811 N. 12th, phone 2-8366.

BY OWNER Low equity, Dean Highland School; 1 block bus. Cash or trade-2-3768. BAYLOR DISTRICT--Nice 8-room duplex, 2 baths. Breezeway. Carport.

Garage. 5 years old. $7500. Ph. 2-8366.


OR WRITE P. O. BOX 1193. 112-SUBURBAN AND FARMS FOR acres sandy loam, 5-room home, separate garage. 20x30 laying house, large barn with brooder house; fenced and cross-fenced; nice yard.


house, mdrn. conveniences. Several pecan trees. On farm-to-market road. 90 80 ac.

cult. Black land, very productive; 6-rm. house, fair outbidgs. Shallow wells and tank. On all-weather road 8 mi.

Waco. 1800 ac. ranch. Fair house, 20 mi. net fences, spring and wells.

Bluestem, buffalo and gramma grasses will carry cows, 1000 sheep; $60 per acre. Will take half value in clear revenue property. THESE PLACES ARE PRICED TO SELL! See J. T. LOVELACE details Residence Phone 2-4749 JUDD REAL ESTATE CO.

713. SERVICE MUTUAL PH. 4-5731 1-636-acre ranch on Coryell Creek. 6- room house, gas, lights, plenty water. A good stock ranch-priced to sell.

2-100 acres, large lake, clubhouse, 4-room house, boat house, about 12 miles from Waco. Good revenue. 3-50 acres, 1 half in cultivation, balance in pasture; house; gas, water, lights; 21 miles from Waco, near Chilton. Can be bought on state loan. 4-Small acreage, 4-room house, all conveniences; 10 miles from Waco on Hwy.

84. A good price. Associates: LON JUDD, Lorena, 8-74357 W. G. WEST.

2-5175 GEORGE L. HERBER, 4-5380 FOR LEASE 50 acres of good land, modern 5- room residence, Grade A dairy barn, garage, large poultry house and other outbuildings. All improvements are in first class condition. Located in China Spring. C.

K. DURHAM 502 Amicable Bldg. Dial 4-5616 LAKE WACO-3-bedroom home. City and well water; double garage, wash house; 2 chicken houses. 3 horse stables and riding ring: 2 spring lakes stocked with fish; 136 fruit trees; 7 acres, for sale by owner.

Phone 2-5613. FOR SALE by owner Nice 3-bedroom home, double garage, 2-stall cow barn; 5 acres good land; artesian water, natural gas; mi. of General Tire. Owner retired and desires to move. Priced right.

Phone 3-0530. 200-ACRE RANCH-3 everlasting wells, 8-room home, gas, lights. wonderful water; dairy barn, large storage barn. 2 new chicken houses, 12.000 capacity, will sell 12.000 chickens every 9 weeks; automatic feeder and water system. North Bosque bottom land.

Good roads from Waco. Priced right to sell. Tel. 2-8366. Here It Is! A bird's nest on the ground: 90 acres of it; 8 miles from Waco.

Part good, part bad, but look at the per acre. Call ANDY JOHNSON at S. J. GUTHRIE 1701 Austin 4-3521 or res. 3-4220.

BY OWNER-170 acres, app. 12 acres in pasture, the land is good sandy loam. One 5-room and one small tenant house, nice barn, 12 miles of Waco. Terms or will consider trading for 8 home in Waco. Phone 3-5388 or 3-5650.

BURNET COUNTY FARM 403 acres, 160 cultivation. Mail and bus route. Lampasas River frontage. Two good wells. Three-room box house.

loan. $60 acre. C. M. Stephens, Kempner, Texas.

SUBURBAN-FOR SALE OR TRADE for place in North Waco; 8 acres, 6- room home, located 5 miles northwest of Speegleville on Highway 6. Sign on gate. J. D. MOORE 1526 Austin Ave.

Office Ph. 2-0354 203 ACRES OF LAND 4 miles S. E. of Eddy on Farm Road 107. This is real buy.

I will trade it for good city property, or will carry some of the note myself. Call Big Dickson-2-8256 after 6 p. m. 160 ACRES GOOD black land, near Crawford; half cultivated. Fair improvements.

Half mineral rights retained. acre. Ph. 4-3565, 2-5036. 65-ACRE DAIRY farm 7 miles from Waco.

Gross income $15,000 annually. Nice 2-bedroom house, everlasting water; all city conveniences. Ph. 2-3908. $1000 OR GOOD car for equity in room house near Consolidated plant in Fort Worth.

Assuming $37.50 monthly payment. R. J. Cervenka, 1700 8. 29th, or phone 3-0335.

BETTER HURRY! 3-room home. Only $1550. 2020 Parrish, Oaklawn. Phone 2-8366-Mrs. Travis.

10 ACRES VEGETABLE land. Lovely new 3-bedroom home, breezeway, garage. Biggest bargain in town. Mrs. Travis, 2-8366.

BETTER HURRY! 5 acres vegetables land, nice 5-room home. S. Waco. Only $6600. Call Marie Easter, 2-8366.

170 ACRES ON highway out of Waco. Good farm land and good pasture. Bargain. Call H. H.

Hodde. 4-0001 or 3-6636 Austin. 10 ACRES GOOD vegetable land, with house and barns. Good for builder to open addition or for vegetable or cattle -at Lacy. Priced right-2-8366.

FOR SALE or trade by owner, 170-acre farm 10 miles from Waco. Will trade for house in town. Phone 2-9947. 113--REAL ESTATE FOR TRADE FOR TRADE--My equity in nice home for nice trailer house. Dial 4-6492.

CLASSIFIED ADS USUALLY FULFILL UNUSUAL NEEDS Spotlight -REAL ESTATE LARGE COMMERCIAL BUILDING SITE 114-BUSINESS PROPERTIES ON FRANKLIN, including spur track, available for immediate development. Other sites on FRANKLIN, HIGHWAY 6 and throughout the city. C. SAM APPELL, Realtor, 2509 Washington. Phone 4-0661.

BEST INVESTMENT in Waco for sale at 8 sacrifice: 100 x133' corner lot bald buildings, rented at $250 per month. Perry Allen, Second and Washington. Phone 2-7142. ABSOLUTE BARGAIN-130-ft. frontage, corner Circle Dr.

and Wood St. One of busiest corners in Waco- $6500. Curtis Schulze. 4-2528-323 N. 7th.

115-REAL ESTATE 2 acres, large home, at Lacy, $4250. 15 acres facing Corsicana Hwy. $3000. Cory Raelty 115 S. 4th.

Ph. 4-3481 116-COLORED PROPERTIES GOOD FRAME home double corner lot. on Preston. $5300. Phone 3-7341.

117-WANTED: REAL ESTATE WANT TO BUY LOTS DIAL 4-0544 WILL BUY your low GI or FHA equity today. Quick cash on 2- and 3-bedroom homes 11 priced right. Compton. 3-2793. INDIVIDUAL NEEDS good 2- or 3-bedroom GI or FHA equity, Will pay cash and all loans and closing cost.

2-8025. WANT TO BUY-LOW equity in 2- or 3- bedroom home. Phone 2-5426. WANTED TO BUY from owner. Two or three bedroom homes.

Phone 4-3565 or 2-8160. WILL BUY EQUITIES JOHN SHANNON 201 Liberty Bldg. Ph. 3-8092. Res.

3-6905 WANTED- -VACANT -North or NorthWaco. Phone 4-7975. XII-DISPLAY CLASSIFIED 122-FRATERNAL RELIGIOUS WOODMEN OF THE WORLD A social meeting of Geyser City Camp No. 6. Woodmen of the World, will be held in the lodge hall, Franklin at 8 p.

m-, Thursday, Nov. 27. All Woodmen are be present. J. B.

MEARS, Con. Com. A. ROY MANN, Sec. Funeral Notices MORGAN, CARROLL GENE Carroll Gene Morgan months old, of 1072 Kate Ross Apartments, died Wednesday morning at 1807 South Eleventh Street.

Funeral services will be held at 2 p. m. Friday at Connally Chapel. Rev. Latrell of Nazarene Church officiating, burial in Waco Memorial Park.

Survivors: her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Morgan; one sister, Belinda Morgan; one brother, Lester Harrison Morgan all of Waco; maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas York of Meridian; paternal grandfather, L.

H. Morgan of West Virginia. Connally Funeral Home, 1000 Washington Avenue, phone 2-3407. LAVENDER, GEORGE A. George A.

Lavender, 50. of 1808 Burnett Street, died at 6:40 a. m. Tuesday in 8 local hospital. Funeral services were held at 2 p.

m. Wednesday at Compton's Chapel, Rev. A. C. Lane officiating, burial in Robinson Cemetery.

Survivors: His widow: one daughter, Mrs. John Millican, of Waco; his mother. Mrs. L. C.

Lavender of Waco; one brother, Curtis Lavender, of Waco; two sisters, Mrs. E. D. Whitley of Dallas and Mrs. W.

M. Sewell of Beaumont, six step-children, Mrs. Bill Moore of Waco, Thomas Earle Barnes of Waco, Kendall Barnes of Waco, Herman Barnes of Amarillo, Mrs. Elsie Ballinger of Laredo, Mrs. George Mae Oliver of Waco.

Active pallbearers: Kendall Barnes, Thomas Earle Barnes, Lionel Ballinger, W. C. Lavender, Allen Lavender, Walter C. Gilbert. Honorary pallbearers: Members of the utility department of the Veterans Hospital in Waco.

Mr. Lavender was born in Waco and had lived here all his life. He WAS 8 World War II veteran and WAS in the painting and papering business at the time of his death. Compton's Funeral Home, 1024 Austin Avenue, phone 4-1441. SEWELL, MRS.

ADDIE LEE Mrs. Addie Lee Sewell, 82, died at 2 a. m. Tuesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ralph Wolf, 1623 South Tenth Street.

Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at Lafayette. Texas. Survivors: One daughter, Mrs. Ralph Wolf. of Waco: one son, C.

C. Sewell, of Lafayette. Texas; 8 step-son, W. H. Sewell, of Odessa, Texas; two step-daughters, Mrs.

J. K. Bates of Pittsburg. Texas, and Mrs. Walter Adkins of Lafayette, Texas; one sister, Mrs.

W. N. Lindsey, of Dallas. Compton's Funeral Home, 1024 Austin Avenue, phone 4-1441. FLORES, JOE M.

Joe M. Flores, age 33, 517E North Third Street, died at 8 9:15 a. m. Wednesday at his home. Funeral services are pending.

Survivors: his widow. Lydia Flores of Waco; two sons, Henry Flores and Joe Flores both of Waco; two daughters, Connie Marie Flores and Elizabeth Flores, both of Waco; father, E. R. Flores of California; grandmother, Mrs. Isabelle Flores of Waco; two brothers, Raymond M.

Flores Santos Flores, both of California. Connally Funeral Home, 1000 Washington Avenue, phone 2-3407. Bargains BARGAINS of the week. Each you a DEFINITE SPECIAL These reduced prices will Thursday, Friday and Features Each Week! -CAMERA ANNIVERSARY Complete with BOXEX 2x8 Lens ARGUS C-3 Complete TOM AUSTIN Colleges Ask GI Bill For Direct Tuition The Texas Council of ChurchRelated Colleges Wednesday called on Congress to amend the 1952 Korean GI benefit law so that tuition charges would be paid direct to the colleges as under old World War II veterans legislation. Action by the group, which represents 26 Texas colleges supported by seven different religious denominations, followed a charge by President Louis J.

Blume of St. Mary's University that Washington officials had apparentlv ignored urgent requests private colleges law provide divided payments- with subsistence allowance going to the veteran and tuition to the school. The law, as finally passed by Congress, provides, however, for lump sum payments to the veteran, who in turn makes his own financial arrangements with the college. Private college officials have been outspoken in the belief that this arrangement encourages veterans attend state schools where' tuition charges are lower. President Blume pointed out that the version favorable to the viewpoint of private colleges had been passed by the Senate but that another bill was adopted by the House, and that the House won out in conference committee.

He said also that national meeting of the 'American" Legion asked that the new law provide for divided palments. The Rev. Mr. Blume was elected 1953 president of the council, succeeding Dr. William C.

Finch, president of Southwestern University. Other officers are Dean Preston James, Wayland College, vice president; and Dean Adolph C. Streng, Texas Lutheran College, secretarytreasurer. XI-LEGALS 120-LEGAL NOTICES COUNTY REQUESTS PROPOSALS Until 10:00 o'clock a. November 29, 1952.

sealed proposals will be received at the office of County Auditor in the courthouse for furnishing McLennan County with supplies and materials 88 hereinafter stated. Bridge materials, road equipment and garage supplies. Specifications and bidding blanks to be secured at office of County Engineer. Groceries, meats, office equipment, stationery, printing and supplies. Specifications and bidding blanks to be secured at office of County Auditor.

Usual rights reserved. XII-DISPLAY CLASSIFIED 121-FUNERAL DIRECTORY Thoughtfulness WILKIRSON HATCH Funeral Home Phone 3-3691 Funeral Insurance Waco Memorial Park Waco's Perpetual Care Cemetery DIAL 4-3119 PHIPPS Remembrance Love Devotion Jim Phipps Memorial Co. Funeral Directors (Disinterments) South 11th at Loop Highway Phone 2-8307 Service Since 1908 COMPTON FUNERAL HOME DIAL 4-1441 BURIAL INSURANCE Here week which be good Saturday! Refer you will find the SPOTLIGHT progressive Waco concerns offer has been REDUCED IN PRICE. for the rest of THIS WEEK to the Spotlight Bargain BENDIX ECONOMAT The World's Only Fully Automatic Washer 4x5 That Is Completely PORTABLE! CALL FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION L-8 AND SAVE $70 Modern Appliance Furniture 1516 Austin Phone 2-9231 BUY NOW-No Payment Until 1953 901 SHIRTS IN BY 9:30 A. M.

OUT BY 5:30 P. M. BUCHANAN'S 418 S. 11th 2810 Corsicana 307 N. 25th 1002 Austin Highway 1812 N.

15th We're Proud Of These Prices! 3-Piece Bath Set With Trim $129.95 Desert Ray Wall Heaters $12.95 20-Gallon Rheems Water Heater $47.50 Thompson, Myers Jumper D. T. Jumper, Master Plumber 409 Elm Phone 2-2812 SALE- SPEEDGRAPHIC Accessories $185.00 (Like New) 65.00 (Like New) 45.00 PADGITT DIAL 2-0301 HURRY! SHOP EARLY! -USED SEWING MACHINESGOING AT UNBELIEVABLE L-O-W P-R-I-C-E-S Treadles. Cabinet Electrics Singer Sewing Machine Co. 707 AUSTIN DIAL 3-2496 1953 Coshman.

EAGLE $32500 3 HP Cushman Highlander $219 4 HP Cushman Highlander $239 CHRISTMAS STOCK JUST RECEIVED! Use Our Lay-Away Plan! No Down Payment Small Monthly Payments INMON'S CUSHMAN SALES 615 Franklin Ph. 3-6141.

Waco Tribune-Herald from Waco, Texas (2024)
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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

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Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.