The Alcohol Experiment: A 30-day, Alcohol-Free Challeng… (2024)


162 reviews41 followers

July 17, 2022

Wow! Annie Grace, you may have saved my life! What a great book!

The other day, my doctor told me to stop drinking all together because of my issues with low stomach acid. Low stomach acid is pretty common for adults over the age of 60. And, my wine drinking was not helping matters. I would classify myself as a moderate drinker, so quitting was a bit tough for me the first 3 or 4 days. Then, it got easier. And, after reading this eye-opening book explaining the addiction and poisons of alcohol and the reaction of your own body chemistry - YIKES - I really had no clue. Gee, everyone around me drinks - can’t be that bad. Gee, it is that bad.

My husband bought this book about 3 months ago and did the experiment himself. He kept suggesting I read it too. Well, once my doctor said “No more drinking”, I started reading! I have been alcohol free for 19 days, and I have a whole new mindset now- One: I do not want to go through the “Start over” period again - way too annoying. Two: I have not felt this good in a long time. I am way less anxious- much more calm! (Bet my kids and husband are loving this new me!) Three: I want to experience my future social engagements sober and memorable!

This is an excellent book for those thinking about freedom from alcohol. Annie Grace made this a very positive experiment/experience! Now, I am picking up her other book This Naked Mind.

    my-favorites own-books


1,906 reviews37 followers

December 13, 2019

I started out reading this out loud to an addicted loved one. That fizzled at about the 3 week point, and there was a long break before I took this up again, mainly because I can’t stand not to finish a book if I’ve gotten past a certain point.
I’ve been reading on this topic for a long time, and I appreciate fresh approaches and ideas. I don’t think AA is one-size-fits-all any more than I think any approach is. It works for some people and not for others. I think Annie Grace’s 30-day experiment is a valid thing for people to try, and judging by the testimonials at the end of each chapter, it works for some people.
What it’s not is a magic bullet, which I can’t seem to stop pursuing. And sometimes Annie’s cheerleadery tone got on my nerves. It’s not for everyone, but it is for someone, probably many someones.
Worth a read, and my particular rating is probably lower because of unjust disappointment that it didn’t solve everything for my loved one, in addition to the long break I took from it.

    2019 health social-issues


1,181 reviews725 followers

November 12, 2019

Interesting take on a self-help book in that it demands a daily commitment from the reader/participant. Ultimately as much a guide to mindfulness/self-awareness as it is a systematic deconstruction of bad habits and mental ruts. I loved the grace notes in the ending, which is totally open about the future post the 30-day period. The fact that any number is arbitrary is perhaps the greatest realisation here.

    2019 non-fiction


152 reviews2 followers

January 31, 2019

I’m very glad I discovered this book to prop me up for “Dry January.” The basic premise is learning how our subconscious minds are calling the shots (no pun intended), and presenting exercises to become more mindful about drinking. I thought a few of her takes on the subject were a little exaggerated as a scare tactic, and some I just did not agree with (nobody really likes the taste?! She must not have ever tried a really good Bourbon ;0). Nevertheless, it was a very good, introspective, and physiological look into the factors that make alcohol so powerful over our subconscious, and takes the shame out of our failure to control.

* Side note: The book included testimonials from people who followed the experiment and left comments on her website. Several of them referenced being Alcohol-Free with the abbreviation AF, and I laughed every. single. time. 30 days AF!! 🙌🏻


349 reviews75 followers

December 10, 2023

I took a 6-month fast from any alcohol in 2023 and read a couple things like this at the outset of the journey to see if I might glean any helpful tips if I ended up needing them. This was a good read for anyone looking for anything like that. I will say that once I got past the first month or so, the health benefits really started to show up and then continued to increase each month. I hate to admit that, since resuming drinking, I have never felt quite as good overall as I did when I was abstaining (not that I drink a lot, but anything is more than nothing), so I’m looking forward to doing this again next year.

    2023-reading-challenge reviewed


114 reviews3 followers

January 31, 2019

Finished the book today and followed the challenge 100%!!!! Very proud of myself and learned so much about myself and my relationship with alcohol! I highly recommend this to anyone questioning their reliance or relationship with alcohol. Empowering


438 reviews6 followers

March 31, 2019

Lots of good information here if you’re looking to reframe your relationship with alcohol, or if you don’t know how someone “just can’t stop at one”.

I read it in two sittings, but it’s meant to be a day by day support for a 30 day experiment. I’m 56 days AF (Alcohol Free) and this definitely helped support the decision I’ve made for myself.


318 reviews18 followers

January 31, 2021

I picked this book up to reframe my relationship with alcohol, not because I have a dependence or addiction (this book is DEFINITELY not for that situation). Throughout this pandemic I have gotten into habits that simply aren't healthy for me and don't make me feel good, and decided to go on an alcohol fast to break up those habits.

The book itself is typical self-help fare, but does have a lot of interesting information about the science of alcohol and habit formation. Weirdly, having a chapter to read every day created a sort of reward system for myself. I would fast from alcohol for the day, and as a reward I got to read another chapter of the book and journal my thoughts. I created a new habit that has kept going beyond 30 days.

I will eventually have an alcoholic drink again, but getting out of a habitual rut has been helpful, and I can be more mindful about when I drink alcohol and why I'm choosing to drink. I don't know that the book is a life-changer, but reflecting upon my unconscious actions and lining them up with my conscious mind has led to some self discovery. Which is pretty neat I think.



381 reviews4 followers

November 18, 2020

This book was intended for binge drinkers that are looking to get a handle on their drinking. As a "drink at dinner" kind of girl, I didn't feel like a lot of the messaging applied to me. I don't wake up hungover, I don't forget events that happened, etc. However, I wanted to cut down my drinking as part of a diet and fitness program that I began, so I went ahead and read through the whole 30 days. I found much of the reading redundant - alcohol is ethanol, ethanol is poison, why would you put that into your body. However, I did walk away with a few tips that will stick with me.
1. Don't think about what you're giving up. Think of what you're gaining. (I'm not giving up alcohol, I'm gaining a more fit body.)
2. Americans have an alcohol culture...just think of all the signs, T-shirts, etc. "It's 5 o'clock somewhere." "It's wine o'clock." etc.
3. Pure alcohol doesn't taste good. So, consider having a sweetened drink instead, since it's mostly sugars and sweeteners that you're tasting when you drink.
4. Ask yourself why you're drinking. Is it just for habit? Are you bored? etc.



138 reviews1 follower

August 28, 2021

This is pretty decent. I couldn’t have made it 12 days without it. 😉 I only stopped early because I was seeing absolutely none of the benefits she suggested would happen: no weight loss, no extra energy or better sleep. I felt grumpy and serious all of the time. 12 days is enough of that person. I did learn some things though, so it was beneficial for self reflection.


667 reviews

August 30, 2019

I appreciate that this book exists and helps so many people. The idea is to intentionally consider your relationship to alcohol during a 30-day break from drinking. The author focuses most of her attention on scientific research related to alcohol and loves to cite statistics about various things. I found a lot of it boring and was certainly not compelled, as many of her readers are, to swear off booze forever. Even so, it's good to take a break from alcohol (or any addictive substance) every once in a while, just to make sure it's not becoming a problem. The assumed audience seemed to be people who have a serious problem with alcohol so it ironically made me feel better about my habits, not worse. :)

    food-health self-helpish


434 reviews9 followers

March 27, 2019

This was excellent and not just from a looking at alcohol in your life standpoint. This was excellent because it gave practical, down to earth, easy to engage with ways to have better critical thinking skills in your life. I know that I will use those for the rest of my life. I find myself asking questions (mostly internally but some outside too) about things that I am hearing or thinking or believing.

I will be putting the ideas from this book into use in so many ways. Cannot recommend this book enough, just as a way of examining how you think/feel about things, why you think/feel that, and most importantly, are those thoughts & feelings actually reality?



3 reviews

April 21, 2024

Highly recommend!


6 reviews

February 23, 2024



417 reviews

October 2, 2021

This experiment was a success. Something the author wrote on Day 2 hit me hard and something shifted. It's Day 30 now and this was honestly not that difficult. I had a few weak moments (mostly at night with friends), but overall I've lost the desire.

So where do I go from here? I'll decide that. Still taking inventory of the pros/cons and my observations about the changes. If there's one telling indication of the impact this book has had on me, please note this: the author suggests that if you're set on going to moderate drinking after 30 days of being alcohol-free (very important component for this), try getting drunk for science. This involves being completely alone and recording yourself at intervals while consuming enough alcohol to get drunk. My first thought? "Oh, god, no. No. I don't even want to think about it. Moving on."

I strongly feel that all of the congratulations for me getting through 30 days of not drinking belongs to the author of this book. For my part, it was too easy for anyone to be giving me any accolades. Be proud of Ms. Grace.

    a-pleasant-surprise life-changing


223 reviews6 followers

October 24, 2021

Maybe this is good for a different type of drinker, one who sits on the couch, doesn’t have hobbies, and who doesn’t like people.

It has virtually nothing to say to an athlete, an extrovert, someone who has hobbies, etc. It also participates strongly in diet culture and how wonderful you feel now that you can finally lose weight and get in shape. Especially for the last third, it seems like she’s run out of ideas. Several of the chapters feel trite and don’t give real advice (you know who ELSE was bored?? aLbErT eInStEiN!!). There’s a whole day devoted to not believing everything you see on social media which seems pitched at the level of a boomer who is just becoming familiar with Facebook.

And some of it seems really uneven. It’s simultaneous attempting to speak to people who wake up and need to drink and people who have been heavily drinking for about a year. These are not often the same people.

I’ll continue the month but without the help of this book.

    contemporary nonfiction north-american


204 reviews

February 7, 2021

3.5. Maybe an unfair review, because I didn’t actually do the experiment properly. (Perhaps Annie Grace’s other book would have been a better choice for me.) When I started reading this book, I was already on day 30 of not drinking. I had read another book before this that referenced Annie Grace, so I wanted to read what she had to say. I learned a lot in reading this book. I also felt like it was a bit preachy; it felt like a lot at times. But I guess that’s why it’s designed to read one chapter a day, and not in big chunks, like I read it! It was interesting to read, especially in the early chapters, what your body goes through as it detoxes from alcohol. I would have liked to read it in real time in my own first 30 days. I knew alcohol was bad for me, but I didn’t know just how bad until reading this book, which really hammered home the physical effects.


Author4 books15 followers

August 27, 2019

I have often thought about the health effects of drinking alcohol and often thought about giving up. I recently did 'Dry July' and read this book at the same time. I found the month incredibly easy. The book teaches you not to say you are giving up for good but "I will have a drink when I feel like it." Invariably people don't start up again. An excellent book. Easy to follow and not too much heavy research.

Turquoise Brennan

466 reviews1 follower

February 20, 2020

A book that definitely changed my thinking. No matter what you are doing with alcohol on your life this one

Becca Bratcher

14 reviews2 followers

March 20, 2022

I loved this book!! Already started my alcohol-free journey!

Kimberly Lloyd

80 reviews23 followers

January 22, 2024

“Freedom is realizing you have a choice.”
TF Hodge

Since I am doing Dry January I decided to read this ! It reminded me why I was participating in the annual challenge.My favorite line the author repeats at the end of every chapter . “All the answers you’re looking for are already inside of you”.

What I will take away from this book;
Our subconscious mind is sneaky, and makes us doubt ourselves and use phrases such as “might,maybe, or I can’t”! Whereas our conscious mind is able to calculate and make a clear decision if we let it. I know this book is about alcohol, but thinking in terms of my conscience decisions before any upcoming goal, event, or even confrontation,I feel much more confident that I have the permission and the ability to follow through with “the plan”. I hope this feeling lasts because confidence came from this little book of advice on drinking.
I also discovered I (thankfully) couldn’t relate to most of the extreme outcomes of drinking by some described. And I never want to !


360 reviews13 followers

January 17, 2022

I didn't read this as it was intended, since I had it from the library and not for the whole 30 days. But I've tried in the past to stop drinking and always a couple days later I gave up and went back to it. With this book, I'm on day 16 and not even thinking about drinking. I attribute a lot of it to this book. I wish the online community experience was a little better, I tried to do that but yeah, it just didn't work out for me. And I think I won't need to read This Naked Mind now, I think the bulk of the hard-hitting info in that book was in this one. But yeah, this is well worth a read if you want to seriously consider the role and place of alcohol in your life.

Terri Wells

120 reviews1 follower

July 7, 2020

I enjoyed the approach of this book. I learned a lot about alcohol effect on my body and sleep. I actually went 38 days without my nightly drink and am definitely sleeping better and have more energy. I have a drink here and there, but it is no longer the habit I succumbed to before reading this. I actually listened to audio version and love Annie Grace!


461 reviews3 followers

September 3, 2020

I really appreciate the stats, insight, and opposing narrative that this book has in comparison to what most of society says. It is encouraging and helpful. I really like the mindfulness aspect of it too.


364 reviews1 follower

May 30, 2022

I don't typically read self-help lit because I find most of it... insufferable quackery, actually... but this does what it says on the tin regarding *not* being judgemental, so, yeah, I'd recommend it.



111 reviews

September 15, 2023

I’ll try to keep this succinct. I have been working really hard on my relationship with alcohol in the last couple years. I’ve been very proud of where I’ve come from and this book has given me tools and strategies to keep pushing.

I’ve already done a lot of self work so this book just nudged me along. It read better for folks who may drink daily or binge.

I did find she went back and forth between “alcohol is literal poison” to “if you had a few days slip - that’s okay!” It felt slightly contradictory in some points but overall appreciated this book.



9 reviews1 follower

June 30, 2020

I never finished this book but by day 7, I was compelled enough to stop drinking.


179 reviews5 followers

February 4, 2021

Eye-opening, non-judgmental, helpful.

    non-fiction self-help


231 reviews26 followers

September 13, 2022

What a book! So glad I found it.

Mel mynightsbooked

414 reviews25 followers

January 14, 2024

Worth the read if you’re sober curious or doing a dry January. I’ve only drank twice the past two months and read this book along the way.

The Alcohol Experiment: A 30-day, Alcohol-Free Challeng… (2024)
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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.